Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Technology changed in the past 5 years? What are the ways it remains the same?

In the last 5 years, technology has changed the way classes are being taught, Student's taking note, communicating with one another etc... Things that were once difficult are now so simple no one thinks of them. With technology, online education was possible. Students with busy life can take online classes 100 miles from the campus, They can easily contact their instructor, even get all their text books electronically.
Our learning environment has change with technology, campus are posting lecture podcast on their website so student can download it and listening at his leisure.Everything can be digitize, student have their class on the "go".

Despite all the change, face to face meeting still important and had an impact in learning.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What are our responsibilities as merchants of change?

It's not the progress I mind, it's the change I don't like. —Mark Twain

As increasingly advance computer systems are designed, and implemented, IT professionals have to update their skills to stay current. These changes are happening every year with the release of new OS or version of OS, applications, hardware etc...the changes are not only effecting IT professional but
, they inevitably affect larger groups of people. In turn, the major challenges to a new system implementation success are often more behavioral than technical.

Over the years, I lead new projects to implement or migrate to a new system. Successfully implementation of such systems into complex organizations requires an effective blend of good technical and good organizational skills.

Unfortunately , there are People who vigorously resist its implementation and can bring a “technically best” system to its knees.Resisting to change is in human nature, people feel that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", and beside, they spend all these year mastering the application, now you are making their skill irrelevant.
As professional , whatever position we hold, we are end up being blame for the pain the users experience.Your name will be on the failure even your deliver the technology, if users resist the change, your design must be the problem. This is the nature of our business when it comes to implement a new system.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Communication Technology and Security

In a recent weeks, The Pentagon has concluded that computer sabotage coming from another country can constitute an act of war.This is raising question about the security our nation computer network and its communication system. According to Pentagon officials, more than 40.000 files have been stolen from a defense contractor computers. Information security and communication are in front and center in every nation defense system.

In the brief 2008 war between Russia and Georgia included a cyber attack that disrupted the websites of Georgian government agencies and financial institutions. The damage wasn't permanent but did disrupt communication early in the war. Another instance of the cyber war is the destruction of the Iranian nuclear centrifuge by infecting its computer by a virus that destroy the communication.

I choose the angle of cyber security and technology to illustrate how important and communication technology and security are key to a nation protection against its enemy.Our basics need is control by a network system, the power grid, subway system, airline control communication can be shut down down and bring the economy to a stop. The attack is constant fortunately, cyber security is also a growing filed to defend against these attacks .

IT professional we have to be always a head of the game. Our industry is under a constant attack. Information is power, so people in quest of the information will always develop tools to steal that information. We have to prevent and that is a challenge to IT professionals.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Security and Information Technology

How did your specific experiences inform you in your practice of securely using technology for communication?

As IT professional, I am very concern about the security of the technology we used to communicate. On one hand, technology made communication very convenient and easy to use, Faculty members are using skype to teach their classes while away, they shared important research document and other sensitive information over our network channel of communication.On the other hand, It securing your communication line can be costly
. Post 9/11 has created a different environment in IT department all over the country.Email, phone communication can be intercept under the "Patriot act" without a prior authorization. You don't know who is listening or tampering with the email . I have to use extra security tools to prevent any hacking or intrusion to our system.
For our patient health information data (PHI) ,federal regulation(HIIPA) prevent us to use insecure communication to transfer data. With the social media phenomena, privacy is a huge issue. We are more expose to the virtual world and taking measure to secure the data is a must.

I do not personally use the social media(Facebook, mySpace).It is disturbing how much personal info is out there. I ma not really sure if average user realize how expose they are on the web.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Generational Influences&Technology

What are some of the generational influences and implications for embracing technology that is used for communication?

Every generation had at some point their lives impact by some kind of the technology. Our grand parents and great grand parents used telegraph, snail mail to communicate, When it comes to our parents generation,the technology has change and it was very advance for their area, telephone was widely use in homes, fax machine in offices etc... During the 90 the exponential explosion of the DOT COM companies had speed up the discovery of newer and more sophisticate method of communicating. Children of that era were more apt to use the internet and all new technology to communicate than their parents and grand parents.

Unlike their parents, the new generation embrace technology quicker and are always looking for the next best "thing". People who are inventing the technology are themselves consumer and belong to that generation. They cater to their own generational needs.

That need is now front and center of new tools of communicating .. The baby boomer generation can only watch and trying to just keep up, in contrast the X&Y generation are more incline to learn every new technology that is available to them. They used it to live their life differently than their previous generation. They bank online, never write a check, shop online talk and will have the world at their finger tips.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Social Selves

Consider yourselves as users of technology: What do you think are the implication of using technology for the purpose of communicating our ‘social selves’?

Communication is the most important factor shaping human destiny. Our existence would perhaps be meaningless without the ability to communicate since it is through communication that we understand self and others, our environment, our behaviors and actions, and are able to describe our purpose, feelings, and view of the world.

Humans have been communication through different means throughout centuries, It is only the end of 20th century theses means have been completely transform by technology.
In the 1980, the fax machine "wow" the business communities, It allows them to communicate with their partners at the others side of the world in a minute. Then came the email system which make the fax machine almost obsolete. From that point on, technology has revolutionize the human communication.

In my day today work, I used heavily the web 2.0 technology to communicate, it is become a necessity to use technology for communication. Our Jobs are no longer static. We became more mobile, staffs are working on the field outside the office,
there is an increasing and constantly evolving demand for speed – and our technological advances are in mass emergence dedicated to meet this demand.
The invention and development of the mobile Phone, instant messaging, text messaging, tweet and other forms of telecommunications networks and systems have made easy both for individual personal and business organizational to use for their fast communication.

All these technology had somewhat a positive impact on business and the economy and have serve us well. But the use of theses technology and
the very nature of who and what we are become is sacrificed in the process – social interaction which is develop mainly through communication as the most instrumental form humans contact is disappearing. We tweet. we facebook, and WE hide our emotion behind the wall of social networking. No contact necessary to do or say what ever is in your mind......... and you are rarely hold accountable .